We made an online survey to the members of industry associations who are representing wood industries in North American and European nations. Subjects of the survey are as follows:
- Information on respondent (company name, type of business, country)
- Measures taken by companies against illegal logging
General view of companies regarding illegal logging
Any measures/activities implemented by companies
- Evaluation of administrative measures taken by governments
<As to EU Timber Regulation>
Influence on business caused by obligation of Due Diligence exercise and
implementation of FLEGT VPA (bilateral agreement)
<As to Lacey Act>
Influence on business caused by “prohibition of trading wood/wood products
which use timber illegally harvested in foreign countries” and “obligation of
filing a declaration upon importation”.
- Evaluation of Japanese system named “Goho (legal) Wood Verification”
(With an introduction of the system using Guideline of Forest Agency)
Recognition and evaluation of the Japanese system