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  • International Seminar in Tokyo for Tackling Illegal Logging,2007


Akihiko Araya
The Chairman of Executive committee
International Seminar in Tokyo
for Tackling Illegal Logging, 2007

International Seminar in Tokyo for Tackling Illegal Logging, 2007
Note for Invitees and applicants

All invitees and applicant need to submit by January 31
A) Summary of the verification scheme according to the format described in Appendix A(WORD,PDF) ,and
B) the Presentation Document according to the Manuscript Preparation Guidelines in Appendix B(WORD,PDF).

Both documents will be translated in Japanese, compiled and distributed to the participants of the seminar.

The Presentation Document shall contain the items listed below ("Items of the report and the focus of discussions").

The oral presentations and following discussions shall focus on the Item (2), and the panel discussions shall focus on the Item (3).

Those who contribute poster presentation also need to include the listed items in their poster. The Summary format Appendix A would be the contents of the poster.

Items of the report and the focus of discussions

Items to be reportedPoints of the issue and focus of discussions
(1) Forest management conducted for the subject region and green purchasing of timber material (including relevant background information)Enforcement and enhancement of the forest law applied to the subject region, and general evaluation on the current status of forest managementSystem of law
Descriptions on enforcement and compliance will be as objective as possible. (It is recommended to include evaluations made by a third party such as an international organization.)
Trends in the green purchasing of timber and responses theretoConsumer trends regarding illegal logging and sustainable forest management in their own country and the countries to which the timber is exported
Approaches taken by the government, industries and businesses regarding the green purchasing of timber
(2) Relationship between the Japanese guidelines and the verification (points at issue for the oral presentation and for the discussion thereafter)General overview of verificationParty responsible for issuing verification and the issuing process involved
History, background and basis of the system's construction
Items which the verification shall verify (Does it concern only legality? Is sustainability also included?)
Scheme to check for legality at the time of loggingDefinition of legality
Relevant laws
Details of presumed illegal acts
Procedures for retaining and verifying those documents by which legality can be demonstrated
Scheme implemented by the third party and/or the government to ensure reliability
Scheme to check for sustainabilityDefinition of sustainability
Procedures for retaining and verifying those documents by which sustainability can be demonstrated
Scheme implemented by the third party and/or the government to ensure reliability
Scheme of separative custody managementReal picture of the dealings, from logging to export
Procedure for ensuring separative custody management
Scheme implemented by the third party and/or the government to ensure the reliability
(3) Future tasks and perspectives (points at issue for panel discussion)Problems with the current verification system and matters to be resolvedCriticisms against the system and recognition of problems
Remediation procedure
Future perspectives
Expectations and requests regarding Japan's green purchasing of timberChallenges of producing countries to suplly legal wood and sustainable wood and role of consuming countries
Expectations and requests regarding the policies adopted by the Japanese government and regarding the purchasing policies of businesses

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